SandSTorm Tournament
We are bringing our St. Francis teams to Sandstorm with an eye towards competing, working our systems and gelling as a team. We are in the 2024A bracket for the Varsity team and the 2026A bracket for the JV. We're very excited for the weekend. You can click on the below paypal link to confirm your attendance and Coach Bowers will send a waiver link from the tournament separately.
SandStorm - January 13/14
Empire Polo Fields, Indio, CA
This includes the boys St. Francis Pinnie that they will keep.
Varsity Schedule
12pm - Arrival
1pm - warm-up (Field 17)
1:20pm - Game vs. Washington United (Field 17)
3:00pm - Game vs. OC Shamrocks (Field 16)
4:40pm - Game vs. 10th Mountain (Field 17)
TBD, 7:30 Arrival, 8:20 game
jv Schedule
8am - Arrival
8:50am - Warm-up (Field 16)
9:10am - Game vs. National Sport Academy (Field 16)
10:50am - Game vs. High Sierra Avalanche (Field 17)
12:30pm - Game vs. NorCal LC (Field 17)
TBD, 7:30 or 9:30 arrival (depending on Saturday Results)
Pinnie ONLY
For those not attending Sandstorm, below is a link to pay for your son's practice pinnie for the year. If you have paid for sandstorm, you do not need to order a pinnie!