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speed and explosion gets results
Ronin Speed: Featuring WhiteOutU

Lacrosse is the fastest sport on two feet, and with that in mind, we're bringing speed training to La Canada.
We've got LA's premier speed guru and resident mad scientist ZMac leading speed for our guys. The results speak for themselves, if you work with Zmac you get results. It's never too late, or too early to get in on the action. True speed is a by-product of hard work and takes time. If you want elite speed, Ronin's Speed School Featuring WhiteOutU is where you get it.
On the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month, Ronin and WhiteOutU will be on campus making the boys faster for 1 hour.
February 16 - 2 to 3pm
March 2 - 2 to 3pm
March 16 - 2 to 3pm
April 6 - 2 to 3pm
April 20 - 2 to 3pm

Sign Up now, we will limit attendance week to week.
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